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A passionate Creative


Hi, I'm Vivian and I like to solve problems with style. From building a brand to meeting customer needs, I love to come up with ideas that are way out of the box. Some may say they are too crazy but taking risks are what I live for. 

Who wants to make


Always eager to make new and creative ideas come to life, I keep up with the latest trends in technology, fashion, design and business innovations. After hacking effective solutions for various companies, their satisfaction always spur me to embark on greater challenges.

a difference for you.

Why choose me?

In addition to my experiences in business development, growth-hacking, and marketing, I am a designer at heart who wants to showcase your business in the most unique light.





Through this internship, I hope to put design thinking, user-testing and experience into action and soak up practical skills in such a competitive startup environment in New York. 





I want to make a difference, not just for me but also for you.

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